Red as fire are the flowers that bloom in May. 五月的花儿红呀么红似火。
They see things in the soft haze of a spring day, or in the red fire on a long winter's evening. 他们在春天的薄雾或冬夜的篝火里辨清事物。
THE red imported fire ant first entered America through the port of Mobile, Alabama, in the 1930s. Being more aggressive than most native species, it soon spread across the country. 红色的火蚁作为外来物种,20世纪30年代首次从阿拉巴马州西南部港市莫比尔传入美国。它比大部分本土物种的侵略性大得多,迅速遍及全国。
Procumbens flowers as red as fire, alone on the high-rise self-help Guoqin. 陌上花开红似火,独上高楼自扶琴。
Foshan Red Fire Pottery Co., Ltd. is specialized in new tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty. 佛山市火红红陶艺有限公司是一家专业研发生产新唐三彩手工艺品的企业。
Epidemic Survey and Prevention of Red Fire Ants on Jinshan Lake Campus in Huizhou University 惠州学院金山湖校区红火蚁疫情调查及其防控
I visualize it as a big red fire alarm inside the head. 我把它想象成大脑中的火警报器。
His face was a better colour now, and life was returning to his eyes, though his forehead was as red as fire. 他那脸色和眼神的确好多了,额角却是火烧一般红。
Farmers in parts of the United States have struggled for years with an invasion of red imported fire ants from Brazil. 美国部分地区的农民和从巴西传入的火蚁侵袭斗争了许多年。
Fire safety is highly respected here – red fire extinguishers and valves can be seen everywhere. 在这里,人们非常重视防火安全&红色的灭火器和阀门随处可见。
She wore a white shawl over her shoulders. One of the girls had on a shawl red as fire. 她肩上披着一条白色的披巾。其中有一个姑娘披着火红的披巾。
While we waited, we saw a bright red fire shooting to the sky. 在我们等候时,我们看到一团红色的明亮火光射向天空。
To combat the beast, the Chinese hang "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire. 因为“年”害怕红色和火,所以中国人会在门上悬挂“春联”写上美好祝福,并放鞭炮来赶跑它。
His comb was as red as fire, and his feathers were as yellow as gold. 他的鸡冠鲜红似火,羽毛橙黄如金。
Piranhas, red fire ants and Emperor scorpions have been intercepted in mail parcels to Hawaii. 寄往夏威夷的邮包中曾截获出水虎鱼,红火蚁和帝王蝎。
If Red Imported Fire Ants can not be completely removed from the very beginning, the remaining ants can start a new colony nearby. 若在第一时间无法将入侵红火蚁全数灭绝,部份蚁群将会移到邻近地区另起炉灶,使疫情更加蔓延。
Identification and Evaluation of Quantitative Characters of Adsuki Bean Germplasm Source of Tangshan City Foshan Red Fire Pottery Co., Ltd. is specialized in new tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty. 唐山红小豆种质资源主要数量性状的鉴定与评价佛山市火红红陶艺有限公司是一家专业研发生产新唐三彩手工艺品的企业。
He told people in the village that Nian was afraid of three things: the color red, fire and noise. 他告诉村子里的人年最怕三样东西:红色、火和噪音。
Red Imported Fire Ant: Biology, Impact, and Management in Texas, U.S.A. 他介绍红火蚁在美国的发生分布、生物学特性、危害程度、防治方法和防治成效。
She had on a shawl red as fire. 她披着一条红艳艳的围巾。
The blonde replies," Duh, in your big red fire truck. " 美女回答道:“切,坐你的大红卡车来嘛!”
Influence of Red Imported Fire Ant ( RIFA) on Ant Community in Different Distances Around Separate Mound Groups of ants were pulling pieces of corn. 单个蚁巢红火蚁对不同距离蚂蚁类群的影响一群群的蚂蚁在搬运玉米粒。
At the shore, a cluster of maple leaves, red as fire, swayed in the breeze of the night, like a dancing fire. 岸边一丛红红的枫叶,被船上的渔火隐隐地映出,在微风中悄悄地摇曳,像一团跳动的火焰。
It has been reported that mounds of red fire ants were recently found near the Hong Kong Wetland park. 据报,香港湿地公园附近最近发现红火蚁蚁丘。
A survey on red imported fire ants bites in villagers and disease control in a village of Guangdong 广东省某村入侵红火蚁伤害及控制调查
The influence of red imported fire ant ( RIFA) on ant community in different distances around separate mound in mowing wasteland was studied in this paper. 研究新定殖单个蚁巢红火蚁入侵荒草地后对距蚁巢不同距离蚂蚁类群的影响。
By different color tapes. For example, blue means cooling water, red for fire fighting, yellow for lubricating oil etc. 靠不同的颜色条。例如,蓝色表示冷却水,红色表示消防用水,黄色表润滑油。
Impacts of Imported Red Fire Ants on Human Health and Preventive Strategies 入侵红火蚁对人体健康危害及防治对策
Using the technology of image segmentation, introduced a twice iterative algorithm of K& I minimum error threshold, with which the background, red fire area and spiracle area could be divided automatically. 利用图像分割技术,采用迭代的两级K&I最小误差阈值分割算法,对烧结图像的背景和红火区及红火区和气孔区进行了自动分割。
Build Educational Red Fire Wall in Campus Computer Network 筑就高校网络思想教育的红色防火墙